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Download APK (27 MB) Easily create personal hotspot & WiFi hotspot in second by mobile hotspot. Description Old Versions Tools. Advertisement. Latest Version. Version. 2.1.2 (56) Update. Apr 14, 2024. DESCRIPTION. Travel & Local. Advertisement Remove ads, dark theme, and more with Premium. 100 million installs strong, Swift WiFi is the #1 FREE portable WiFi hotspot app on mobile. Download Swift WiFi - Free WiFi Hotspot and enjoy the free WiFi app to let you find & connect to shared WiFi around the world. #1. NetSpot for Android. #2. SpeedTest by Ookla. #3. WiFi Analyzer (open-source) #4. WiFi Finder. Open WiFi Connect is an application that seeks out all the free WiFi in your area so you can connect as quickly and simply as possible. Although the best part of Open WiFi Connect is that it finds and lists the free networks that you can use, it also works as a network manager. WeFi. 4.1 star. 16.5K reviews. 1M+. Downloads. Everyone. info. About this app. arrow_forward. 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